These specific group meeting safety guidelines are issued to establish minimum standards and protocols for any group meeting held indoors within Montachusett Recovery Center (MRC).


Groups shall ensure attendees are made aware of access to hand washing facilities located in the restrooms near the front entrance of the building.
Groups will provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol, made available to every attendee at or near the entrance to the meeting area space, and encourage all attendees to take advantage of its availability.


Groups shall be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting the group meeting space both BEFORE and AFTER each meeting, including disinfection of all seats (used and unused) and high-touch surfaces (e.g., tables, podiums, doorknobs, light switches, microphones, and shared instruments and reading/publication materials).

Groups will be responsible for furnishing all of their own sanitizing and cleaning products and materials.


Communal food and beverage offereings are not permitted until the Govenor’s State of Emergency ends on June 15th, 2021. After that time, groups are encouraged to modify the means of communal utensils. Individual disposable drink stirrers, condiments, and individual pre-packaged food offerings are highly encouraged.

Groups are encouraged to modify the means to collect any financial contributions from attendees so as to eliminate shared contribution trays and baskets and to minimize contact

Groups are also encouraged to modify the means of distribution and/or sharing of reading materials and other publications as to eliminate the necessity to pass materials around the room, or to minimize contact between attendees in its distribution.

Groups shall communicate to members and attendees that they should not attend meetings in-person if any of the following are true:

  • That they or a member of their household is experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • That they or a member of their household has had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic.
  • That they or a member of their household has been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official.


A group that learns that an attendee or any other individual in their household has tested positive for COVID-19, shall notify MRF at its earliest possibility. MRF shall then contact the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town MRC is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Any group holding meetings at MRC will assist in these efforts to their best ability.

It is asked that groups continue to maintain a record of the number of in-person attendees of every in-person meeting and furnish it to MRF at their request.

These ‘COVID-19 MINIMUM SAFETY STANDARDS’ shall be posted at the entry doorway in of each group meeting and be made available to all attendees at all times.

These standards apply to all group meetings held indoors within MRC or its rented building until rescinded or amended by Montachusett Recovery Foundation (MRF).

MRF Board Members, or its appointees, reserves the right to ensure all group’s meetings are adhering to mandatory safety standards and protocols.

Individual groups are free to enact stricter Minimum Safety Standards, if it is their group conscience to do so.